Monday, January 4, 2010

Ooops I posted this on my DD blog last week...

Water Woe's and other Joys of Monday Morning... Monday December 28th (I think)

Dh discovered our water froze in the pump house this morning. He made this discovery IN the shower. Seems some how the pump house door came open. Did I mention it is 20 or so here? The electric heater in the pump house also failed to work. So I sit with no water for now. We are praying that no pipes are busted. He put another heater in the pump house and SHUT THE DOOR! I am to go out and check it every 30 minutes are so in the hopes it thaws so I can flush, among other things. Our weekend was great! I enjoy having dh home. I look fwd to next weekend so we have another long weekend. This week I would like to start finding routine. Not sure what that even is. Today is one week with the boys. WOW! Time flies when you are having fun, or something like that. It has been a good week. I do see them as tough kids. I see them as good kids. Kids that have lots of potential. They survived our Christmas Dinner and relatives for the night. We went to a Japanese steak house as a family. One grand daughter didn't make it. She was snowed in with her bio dad in KS and didn't get home in time. We had both sons, their families, that's 7 plus dil's brother, plus our sil and bil add our 5 littles and they GAVE us a room to ourselves! Smart choice When you have 17 crazies in one room... I had two request on seating. One my oldest son and MN are NOT allowed near each other. They feed off each other and I am ready to paddle both of them in a matter of minutes. I also wanted B next to dh or I. T was down the table between MN and MJ. Each day at least one has a meltdown. Yesterday evening TD was asking questions about the ranger. I told him once he gets a handle on his anger and aggression I would be more than happy to teach him to drive. He thought that was cool. B is so funny! His melt downs have lessened as they accomplish nothing but him missing play. Last night he was to help dry dishes. He didn't want to. So I gave him a choice, "Help dry dishes or get ready for bed." He stated he didn't want to get ready for bed. I ask so what do you need to do. "Dry dishes." He did. I see LOTS of ODD in him. Yesterday morning I gave him 5 minutes to be dressed. I handed him his clothes and went to the barn. DH was to bring him to the barn dressed or undressed. I do think SIL, BIL and dad cheered him on but he managed to get dressed in 5 minutes, WITH shoes! This really is a big deal since it has taken him longer than that to NOT get just shoes on. Yes, dh would have toted his hiney to the barn bare! I do see ADHD stuff in B. I don't in TD. TD is a quite thoughtful child. He may be add but not H in the mix or his meds work REALLY well. DIL and I were looking at his life book and his pictures reflect the same. While B is almost moving in the photos T is setting back watching the world. The still water runs deep statement fits him I think. I keep going and checking the water to see if it is thawed. Not yet. I do hope it thaws soon. I can survive without it. I just don't want to! We can carry buckets of water in to flush and wash dishes. I guess I will have to go get some water to warm for milking and such. Maybe by the time we are done we will have running water.

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