Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday ~ CPS visit

Why is it never our favorite thing to do? We are doing nothing wrong, they are not here to "investigate" yet we dread it. They want to make sure S is among the living and safe. She is both. Still we dread it. I did laugh MN is "looking fwd to it" humm.... she is the one usually most stressed. She is going to ask for kids! LOL oh these case workers are in for it today. She is like a bulldog.

In other areas DS is taking some big lambs to the sale today for me I hope. It is last years late lambs. I hope prices are good today. There are only 6 of them and a couple of yucky goats too that were bottle baby hold overs.

My barn is getting full. I have one nanny that is down. We are babying her trying to get her to kid and hope she will improve then. I already had 3 lambs and one goat bottle baby. I have added one of a set of tiny twin lambs. I took the ewe lamb from mama. She loved both of them, but this one didn't keep up well and mama didn't seem to have enough milk. She is doing well now. Then I had a nanny have triplets. She loved them all but couldn't seem to keep up with all of them. We brought her to the house. After a few days I decided one of them was being pushed off to much. I offered it a different teat and she was hungry enough she nursed on a strange mama. She is in the barn. Yesterday I brought in another old goat that had twins, and only 1/2 her udder is good. She didn't look like she had much milk in that side. So I offered the babies a bottle and both ate. I hope that her milk comes in with some extra feed. Oh then there is the mama that had twins and enough milk for 4. So she is feeding the little lamb and the triplet goat before she feeds hers of an evening. I will offer them bottles this morning. Her babies should be able to take it all in a few days. I started the 3 lambs and goat on the bucket yesterday morning. That will make it easier as one person can feed all 4 in record time. They loved it!

I did laugh at S last night as she watched the babies play in the barn. She loves it. I pointed out why I didn't want to try to go to AR to finalize next month. She got it!

Oh I have a milk cow due any day too. Yea! I need the milk. I also need to dry one of the two I am milking up.

I also did something stupid this weekend. Well I may have. I traded an old milk cow I wanted to sell and two calves for 21 head of katana (sp) sheep. They are heavy bred and should have big fast growing lambs. The stupid part is we are so dry. One reason I wanted to sell the cow was to get her off the feed bill. Hummm I sell 3 and add 21. Yea makes a lot of sense! If it will rain this will be a good deal. I will be getting the sheep this weekend I think. I will post pictures when I do.

Time to head to the barn.

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