Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This and That

Life keeps plugging along at a super sonic speed.   I am shocked to see the year half over.   Where did the first have go?  What did we do?  I do know that we have all enjoyed the rains this spring.  We were blessed with another inch yesterday evening/last night. After last year everyone appreciates rain so much more.  Even the kids give thanks often as we count our blessings, GREEN is counted often as a blessing.  Our pond filled to just under running over last night.  We have a chance of rain again today.   Last night the rain came hard and fast with lots of run off and little soaking in.   Today I hope we get more and it soaks.  That will make the road interesting, but I can deal with interesting.  

In other news that I find most interesting I continue to read and to play with supplements for dealing with D10's attitude, his oppositional defiant disorder,(ODD).  This is his biggest issue.  It is such a layering of ODD, ADHD and RAD.  What is what in it.  How do you deal with the layered mix of issues best.   Some feel medication, but for me that is a last resort.   We have obtained some help with the homeopathic meds.  In reading and researching I stumbled across some info that really fit him.  People with magnesium defeciencys exibit many of the issues I deal with daily with D10.  They are moody, they are argumentive.  So I decided to add magnesium to his diet.  I ordered Calm, from Amazon.  The ratings were wonderful and in looking at reviews so many described my son.  It came in last Wed.  I gave him some Wed night.  Then again Thur. morning.  He seemed more content with life and his choices, which had been stinking and the consequences that brought about.   By Sunday dh ask who the kid in the kitchen was?  He was putting up dishes in a timely manor.  MN has even jokenly (sorta) complained she can't find reason to argue with him, and he isn't arguing back like before.   It is like all the ODD has been wiped away.  He does wrong, he is a kid, that isn't what I am saying.  He doesn't go out of his way to do wrong. In the past he lived to make people mad.  That isn't happening at all.  He is also more touchable.   Even last week if you walked by and rubbed his shoulder or hair he would pull away and you would get the look.  Now he seems to LIKE that touch.  

On the adoption front I am in love!   I ask for prayers that the three children I am in love with find their way into our home.   I seldom have kids effect my heart strings the way these have.   I have been overly pro active.  I sent a case worker a "Meet the Jones" picture book.  I have contacted her and our case worker and said I want!  I now have to pray and wait.  I ask that those that feel led pray also that doors be opened, hearts guided and familes made.   I pray it is our family for these three, but more importaintly I pray they are quickly put in their God ordained family. 

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