Saturday, May 2, 2009

I love Spring!

Spring helps me get out of my rut of consequences and struggling to find ways to be creative with them. S has spent the week learning science. The Science of if you don't pull all the weeds right, and then procrastinate, you have to again pull weeds in ALL the garden beds!

S, T and MJ have also learned that when mom and dad say quiet time starts at 9:30 it is wise to shut your mouth then. They had to clean the yard of all the winter collection of trash, bones, rocks, broken toys and assorted other junk. Mom is so mean, she gave MJ the back yard while T and S got the pleasure of the side, front and pool area. Why did I give the girls an area together and MJ his own? Because MJ WORKS and the other two compete to see who wins the lazy contest! I figure they deserve working together! MJ got his done in one afternoon, with a little exception while mom ask him to help her. While the girls were very busy for two days. They may NOW be finished. Dad hasn't checked!

What was so funny with S and the garden is that when she did it right she came in excited and so happy. She felt wonderful inside. She was glad she was made do it right. She could hardly express all the "bubbly feelings" inside, her words. As she pulled weeds she came to understand that it wasn't a punishment, but a life lesson about caring for a garden and being responsible. We then talked again about being tomato staked. Even at 17 she needs it. I have a tree out near the swing we were on and I used it. When it was young the wind broke it over. I took a metal rod and put it in the ground right beside the tree set it up and then taped it tightly to the rod. It grew like this for a couple of years, until the tape rotted away. Now the rod is pushed aside while the tree stands firm and tall. This I showed S is her. She needs to be taped to me, not forever, but until she is strong enough to withstand the world and make good choices. I think she could see that. Now does that mean next time she tugs at the tape she will like it, no probably not.

Since everyone else was in trouble MN had to get into it a bit. She had picked up a "dumb" attitude from somewhere. I finally lost it last night and told her she wasn't welcome down stairs except for meals until she came up with the reason. She finally did. Took her half of today. She was "fitting in" with some kids she had saw. She didn't want to be different and since they acted that way..... She was denying who she was. A powerful, smart young woman of God. She admitted it and I hope learned a lesson. While she was upstairs thinking she made me this:

As you read that remember that I had read her the riot act both last night and this morning about attitude and acting stupid! Those that know me know that I don't mince words and tend to be very blunt about what I think. Yet maybe that is what she needs.

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