Thursday, November 5, 2009

Great American Bus Hunt ~ Day 3 or is it 4

I have had strange men emailing me and calling me from around the country for the past 3 days. Most of them haven't read my email carefully and are trying to sell me something I totally don't want. You would think when the email says "NO 6.0 diesel" you wouldn't try and tell me how good that motor is and how much easier it is to find one. Uh, yes you can find them because the best use found for them is a boat anchor. Then there are those that try to tell me that gas is just as good as diesel. Humm I drive both now, I know the difference. Needless to say I don't listen to what ever else they have to say since they started out lying to me. Oh then there are those that didn't "notice" I specified co-pilot seat. So for I have found ONE maybe. It isn't 4x4 but it does meet most of the other requirements. We are just majorly picky. We know what we want. We have researched and continue to research. I know God will provide what He wants us to have. We have to allow him to work. So we look and wait and continue to seek His guidance in what we are to do.

In other news MJ has been "trapping" on the back side. He has our largest live trap set somewhere back there. He baited it with a can of cat food. First morning nothing, then this morning he had something! He had what the kids dubbed a giant albino raccoon. Also, known as the female pyr puppy. That would have been a FULL live trap. This "puppy" is oh 40 lbs or so already. She was very happy to see them!

Adoption news...... there is none! The case worker did get our picture book. They won't show it to them until after they get their psy eval. That is scheduled for "later" this month. I find it hard to really grasp it is real. I know that stuff can still happen and we won't get them. I try hard to focus on just waiting and being prepared.

I have been busy making socks on my knifty knitter blue loom. I have one more pair to make. I am TIRED of socks! I should finish this pair today or tomorrow. I think I have made about 8 pair. My "fishing" loom should be in any day. I want to start making me a shawl. It is my "fishing" loom because I didn't buy into all the fishing stuff on vacation. I teased DH about I was going to get me something I really wanted. So I did!

I have made two rounds of cheese. I hope they turn out. Both look good. They are aging in the frig right now. Once they have sat about a week I can either wax or I can eat. We may eat one and wax one. It takes a LOT of milk for a little cheese. I used some of the whey to soak beans in. It really does improve the flavor of the beans. I have done 2 pots in the past week and we are out of beans. I think I will use whey today to make bread. Instead of water which is what my recipe calls for I will add whey. IF I manage to get it made today. It was on my "to do " list yesterday. Still on it!

Time to get my day started! All have a blessed day!

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I wondered about the bus and adoption....I'm going to have to read back and see if I can find out more about the child/children you are waiting on.

Congrats on the darling new grand baby.