Friday, April 17, 2009

Storms and kids....

Last night when I came home from my mom's night my living room was empty. This morning when I got up it was filled to overflowing. I wanted to get pictures, but was afraid of waking some of them up. How many you wonder? Three adults, 2 older children, and my grandbaby. Why? Storms! The weren't bad, but we did get a LOT of wonderful rain. Over 2 inches!

Once everyone was awake I cooked breakfast 3 lbs sausage and a huge stack of blue berry pancakes. We even had pancakes left over!

I did laugh to myself. A friend on the adoption board was fussing because her case worker ask her where she would set more kids if she adopted and even ask the kids what they would think of sharing their food. She has 5 kids now. What a mindset! This morning is a prime example of how large families work. MJ was asking where he could set, I told him to either find a place or wait until everyone else ate and then figure out where to set. Amazing he found a seat and ate with everyone. It was all about going and FINDING a chair.

Some of the kids have ventured out to wonder around in the mud. Others seem to be stuck on school work. No one has ask to ride bikes yet. I did have to run MN out of the mud doing chores, she was seeing how muddy she could get her shoes.

I should have taken the camera when I went to check things, it is nice to see mud and full ponds. I did put the ranger in 4wd. I don't think I would have gotten stuck without it, but I don't like walking in the mud, so decided to be safe.

With my living room full of bodies I didn't get my Bible done, so I think I will take my Bible and go find a nice quite place.... maybe my bed to read and study a while. :) Not sure there IS a quite place here. My house is still running over with awake bodies. They are busy playing chess and chatting and annoying each other. How sad it would be to miss all of this with having a small family!

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