Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday~Town Day

Never my idea of fun! We are off to a long day of town. I have a list. We have therapy this afternoon, but before that groceries and other stops to make. I know I will drag home exhausted about 7 pm tonight. I am thinking of being really bad and doing fast food on the way home. Much easier than getting home and then doing supper and still trying to get to bed at a reasonable hour.
I wanted to share this picture.
I just took this setting at my computer. That is my view this morning! Rosie has decided she is half cat. I have my wheat order neatly stacked outside this window. It is 5 gallon buckets of wheat, 2 high. With one row of one high for the step to help her get up here. She isn't begging to come in. She is being a cat. Getting some place high and looking around and sleeping. I had to tap on the glass to get her attention for the picture. This is where I found her when I went out about 6 to check on her. She has since gotten up and down a dozen times. Now I wonder if the window was open if she would be wanting in?
When T got up she had to go love on Rosie. So blanket and child in night clothes when out the door with no shoes on to cuddle the dog. It was about 45 degrees. She came in once to "warm up" and back she went. Finally she decided to go put clothes on.
I guess the time has come for me to start my day. I hear kids but have only saw one. I will get busy and maybe they will catch the drift and come join me. Cow to milk, baby goat to feed and beef to feed outside. Then put milk up. Package milk to take to a friend. Get list for town and every one change into town clothes. I hope to be on the road by 9:30. I am probably dreaming, but hey it is worth a try.
Kids are getting excited about Thanksgiving. They keep thinking of others to invite. They also keep saying, "I can't wait until Thanksgiving!" :) Bet they can! I know of about 4-5 that are planning on coming. Yea! We need a lot more or cold weather so I can use the BBQ grill as a refrigerator until we eat the leftovers down enough to fit in my 2 frigs in the house. As you can tell I am not a bit excited about Thanksgiving! I do keep thinking I am forgetting to invite some one I want to. I hope if I am they will call and ask if I am doing Thanksgiving.

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