Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pie day!

Yesterday we were off to produce. Dad had time off so he stayed home with 1/2 the kids while I took 2 and my grand baby off to produce, Walmart and the grocery store. We had lots of wonderful produce to sort through. Everything but the eggs that I needed came in. I ordered 6 doz. but only 4 came in. I wasn't even sure that 6 was enough. So I make a quick stop by the grocery store for eggs and a few other things I thought of that I could use.

Yesterday evening we chopped the onions and celery for the dressing. Since I had the privilege of baby sitting I even let him get in the act!

Today we do two main things Tortilla roll ups and pies. MJ was in charge of measuring and mixing the tortilla roll up stuff. Lots of onions and peppers to chop.

As they are rolling them there is lots of chatter on who gets the messed up pieces. Everyone wants some!

Pies are 1/2 made. I still lack the fruit pies. Kids have had a great learning day measuring and rolling out pie dough. Rolling out pie crust is a challenge. I loved it when J made the mistake of bragging about how "good" she was getting at it, only to have the next pie crust stick and refuse to do anything. She had to start it over. I did point out that Pride goes before a fall.

Pies in the oven, 3 chess, 2 pecan and one pecan less pecan.

Even Dad gets into the act of checking pies.

Don't you love this "flower"? MN was breaking eggs and made such a beautiful flower she wanted to show it off.

I have 3 cherry pies left to put in the oven. Then we will be done with pies. Our pie count is:

3 cherry

3 apple

3 chess

2 coconut

3 pumpkin

2 pecan

1 pecan less (pecan recipe without pecans. This is what my mom use to make for my dh every year. He doesn't like pecan, but likes the filling.

Left to do today is cook my sweet potatoes. Put them in dishes for tomorrow.

I had to edit this to show off my red neck pie safe. This holds about 10 pies. I have plates between them.

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I love your pie safe. What a great idea! Yes, I'm still around...just too busy to read blogs....however, I'm sick and so Mike told me to mind won't rest unless it does something. LOL